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Only 10 miles south of Dubrovnik, the delightful resort of Cavtat is an ideal destination for families and others who want a retreat from the bustle of Dubrovnik.

Characterised by numerous beautiful beaches and bays and subtropical vegetation, it was, like so many of Croatia’s holiday centres, a bustling port in bygone days. Today the harbour remains a popular attraction with a cluster of inviting cafés, bars and tavernas to be found along a lovely promenade lined by palms and pine trees.

Cavtat (2)

When the early Greeks first came here, Cavtat was known as Epidaurus. They were attracted by the natural harbour and the green, protecting hills, an appeal that remains to this day. The modern hotels are approximately 15 minutes’ walk away from the town centre, thus preserving the character and charm of the village. Dubrovnik is easily accessed via regular boat and bus connections.

Read more – Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic:

Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic – Travel Guide

Dubrovnik – Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic – Travel Guide

Makarska – Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic – Travel Guide

Cavtat – Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic – Travel Guide

Mlini – Croatia: Secret of the Adriatic – Travel Guide


I’m Matteo (Matt in English) But Italians naturally throw in an ‘0’ where ever possible, especially in the bedroom. When embarking on a new trip, I worry when opening my backpack, in case my mother has climbed in. Want to know more? Click Here

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